Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's all the SAME DIFFERENT shit

So i was realizing I listen to all my music in excessive two month long phases, and at the same time realized it pretty much sums up a large portion of my character.
I'll find some type of music i start to enjoy and obsessively search online for at least twenty songs in that genre to last me for the next 2 months that i will listen to nonstop. The thing about these few songs is i like to make sure they are not the most widely listen to songs at the time, but my likings tend to be geared towards mainstream cultured beats and riffs that will eventually catch the general attention of many.

as a result Then as the other people start listening to those songs my two month phase is about ready to come to an end and i grow tired of the songs as everyone starts playing them on a ridiculous scale.
lol i guess this made me generalize my self as someone who enjoys being different but not by being technically "different"(if that makes any sense), but instead by doing/having what everyone else eventually lusts just before that J curve begins to peak, and then naturally as a teenager living in our generation i grow bored of the same ol' pretty quickly and discovery for something new ensues.

i guess this can explain alot of what i like and dislike.

for some reason these are the first examples coming to mind

Altamont - clothing company that for the most part makes clothing similar to all the current brands out there, however they are in extremely limited quantities and i pretty much only know kullen as another person who has a couple of their clothes.

LA Lakers - I sort of don't like the lakers because they are a pretty arrogant team and play like it, they have kobe, they have pau gasol who i think is the biggest cry baby in all of basketball, lamar odom who everyone thinks is good even though he manages like 5ppg, - they are expected to win every game they play, so when you root for them as a fan, and they win, it's kinda like yeah that was expected. Not to mention that everyone in Southern California thinks they are a lakers fan and its like one giant bandwagon. O and i think this is chetans favorite team?? Somehow though i find myself obligated to semi cheer for the lakers who were once a big part of my NBA phase that I've almost entirely slipped out of.

OKC THUNDER - On the other side of the spectrum is the OKC Thunder. Here is how i describe the Thunder, the "Dominant Underdog". Why? because the thunder are fucking good and everyone knows it, but yet they still have a chip on their shoulder like an underdog always does. They play like they have something to prove to the world, and play with the composure and dedication i only see in College basketball. In short they want it and play with heart. Then there is Kevin Durant. And he has become my favorite player because he falls under my category for what i "like". First off he is a fucking boss on the court and it's not like no one knows of Durant. He is undoubtedly one of the top 3 basketball players in the league today, and was scoring champ this year to prove that. But at the same time the name Durant is not synonymous with talks following players like KOBE LEBRON or DWADE. So in a way yeah Durant's still unknown but at the same time he is still doing work and a big name on the playing field. Just like how the Thunder had one of the best records in the league and were proven fighters, but at the same time they were the unknowns and underdogs against the lakers.

My car - Who DOESn't know about the First ever Pony Car to start them alll and who doesn't want one!?? and then WHOO has a 65 or 66 Mustang Fastback? (you can probably only think of one name)

So i guess to sum it all up I reallly really like the Same thing as everyone else out there, so long as it's Different. Because It's probably Popular for a reason, but hey do you really wanna be like everyone else?

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