Wednesday, March 24, 2010

what gives

ever wonder what made the Middle finger so negative. and the finger one over the best. and the two combined human cooperation and peace? lol think about it take a second. strange customs we follow.

Lately the books n' english make me wanna get outside, do some shit, leave school, do something with this world. Tinker creek, makes you think realllly hard ;deep shit,"real talk" ahhahaa, and it further engraves the oohs and ahhs of nature and how much of it we miss. - shit sounded pretty indie i apologize.

so with that ALOHHHAAAA from Hawaii. still working on that one day getaway in the soo called paradise that's really just like coastal southern california, but its not our home so it feels special.

* hitting all the stops here.

Chris- Puneet - how your fathers standing on that Health Care reform, hopefully their workplaces are going to remain private, which im pretty sure actually like 99% sure they are already. but Imagine your parents working on government pension as fucking Doctors, thatd just be balls. So i was wondering how the government is going to afford all this pension for all the people associated with a hospital when teachers are pretty much getting fucked left and right? Nevermind that fact that We will probably all still pay for the same healthcare plans we have now, and just pay for taxes so that some mexicans can finally get some medical treatment. (hope a mexican reads this)

* i think and blog in arbitrary short passages, pretty dank.

So apparently there is no school next friday how sick is that? gotta get some thinking together and plan something, I notice i always like trying to plan some shit to go to/ do for the weekends. IDK something about having a set plan makes me feel like im doing something, if you get what i mean. Really wanna go to Joshua tree for some reason, but getting a feeling that not too many people would be able to go/ be down.

*what else

Found out why i devoted like 8 years to enjoying the pasttime that is basketball. It's still actually pretty fun. Realizing the real reason i like basketball along with anything else i do is that im pretty good at it, plus whenever i run and play some bitch who clearly thinks he's good and they're not, its like the most satisfying thing in the world to just shit on their world. ... going along with this same concept, something about me only finds shit fun that im good at. I honestly dont know how people are able to have fun doing something they're terrible at, doesnt make any sense. If i suck at something i just ignore it, but at the same time everyone has got to start at the bottom and work up so there is sort of a complex here. I guess i could say that if you do something, and you never become pretty good at it after some time, then how the fuck is that not just super frustrating.

* i think that's about it, O and Kid Cudi's fucking beast. was kinda w/e about his flow before, but its pretty damn sick, Chill shit i guess is the best way to describe his flow.

School is still balls, late starts pretty sick, but still school. Also upset that school isnt giving me free fifth and second because i literally go to those classes everyday and have free period, so idk why i cant just chill outside or something. Also im pretty much a failure at education, if i ever succeed in school it'll be because i found a way to beat the system and by no means because i tried hard and studied - unfortunately. 3 tests tomorrow, fun shit, my study method is usually dont study and be so assure of myself that a key/cheatsheet will magically appear with all the answers. It's actually gotten to the point where if we dont have a cheatsheet or some answer key I get like upset like wtf, how come i dont have the answers. lol

* so this post is pretty boring , aka it has no pictures, just a lot of text, but hey one picture could have equaled all this typing - A pictures worth a thousand words.

Finalmente - "ladies stand on top of shit and do the supermodel"

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