Saturday, April 18, 2009

brasco - Uh OHH

hahah. well um so my parents are mad at me for an overall fail in grades. and like they had to talk to me about w/e it is that comes up that every parent says. i had a decent day though before i got home

so i went to david's house after school and learned how to drive a stick shift. next stop heel toe shifting, and double clutching. gotta get that rev match on lock son

dan displaying the usual pros of his legend.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

call me?

loll some how yesterday someone called me and it worked. so now yes you can call me.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


so im hoping tuesday goes as planned, in my mind that means minimal work in class and almost no homework :) im going to go to sleep earlier than usual, so i hope i am not as tired as i was yesterday.

recapping what i did yesterday , pretty much nothing besides realize how much of a bore schoool is and how i make a better G beat Cd than puneet. here is my g beat playlist in no particular order


3:50 just got home from school. and like idk i guess with cst or something there is not much by way of hw. in math my teacher gave us a fucking algebra one review packet Lawl. thats work from three years ago. sooo simple. well though i should study a little bit each day though for ap art history if im going to take this last quarter of school seriously.

8 :30 pm
i just made a discovery asher roth is actually a legit rapper. lol

lark on my go kart - asher roth feat ty mcfly and blue buddaz

Monday, April 13, 2009


lets hit reverse

so it begins

yea today is school. and when i say today as in about 6 hours from now when i have to wake up and realize im too tired to stay up in class, and discover what homework i didnt do. shiiiet.

some pics i doodled with.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


this skinny asian guy put up some pics so imma have to use them to blog. but first some hw. a little preview to the goods that are instore.

my first gutter ball ever somehow my 2nd gutter ball ever right after

sheeeiiit son

so lets see its almost 2 am this morning. and what a pleasant morning it is??

well i cant sleep, so im just posting this stuff right now. going to wake up at six, because i read on the forums that its most fun to come at 6 30 to C&C to see all the cars show up, and i havent done that yet. so first times a charm right?

on other news, yesterday i tried making a home made in car camera mount, it half worked, but my head got in the way of half the view so i changed it to the passenger seat, and will post some test footy of it later. hope it turns out well seeing that it was free, by using like old belts and shit to tie a mini tripod onto my seat through the rotary shaped whole in the top of my bucket seats.

- 10 30 am update. yea so i was able to wake up at 6 and got to the show around 6 45, kinda sucked cause it rained over in irvine in the early morning for a little, but when i got there it was almost all dry, but over here it didnt rain at all so i didnt know. well turn out was not as great as usual, only 3/4 of the lot was full, and its usually overcrowded. some nice cars though, every make of the nissan GTR showed up, a ford gt1000, and my first spotting of the Mbenz clk dtm cabrio. well i didnt get fantasy for like the third time in my life after watching cars and coffee mainly because i forgot my wallet, and had no money.

test footy fail.

Friday, April 10, 2009


my rebel xs deleted all the good pics i took last night. totally wackk.

- its fucking annoying because i reviewed all the pictures after i took them, and a couple came out well, but when i went home to upload none of them showed up...

on a positive note. i chased a mini cooper s through the mountainous roads on fullerton road in industry/ puente hills. most fun i had in a while. shit was exhilarating, that old white guy driving the S was fucking hitting those hairpin turns at like 40. so i had to show em what the 8 could do. fun fun funnn

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


so far i have spent the days thinking of something to do LOL

Saturday, April 4, 2009

pistol grip pump

michael yang's brother's friend came to over this morning to paint the rims Gunmetal

total cost was around 30 dollars.

then Dan insisted that we take some pictures.. the following.

some how we saw the new 2010 camaro rs by Dan's house. not yet out but it was being tested. siiick

Then i went to CSUF to try and bowl with kullen puneet and albert, it was being taken over by a group of fatass white people so we couldnt do anything.

CSUF parking lot.  did a little peel out on top :)

Then after deciding we weren't going 
                                  to do anything
I decided i just wanted to drive around for fun, and stopped by to watch some fireworks.

then i stopped by the parking structure by my house. some epic pics.

all these pics could use some editing for true epicness.