Tuesday, October 13, 2009


waiting, wishin for chris to post that blog post about the skate nightizle the other day, to see some of the activities about that day.

in other news this was hilar

Sunday, September 27, 2009



Wednesday, September 16, 2009

bitches aint shit

Albert fucking up dukbosum
Albert needs this to legally be on the road

albert getting raped

albert cleaning the whip

Saturday, August 29, 2009

its soooo cooooold - Raaaaaaaandy

Its sooooo hooooootttt - marshaaaaaaaall

And the Steering wheel wood like a baseball bat , ka ka ka cream on the inside clean on the outside ice cream paint job

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

i shred the gnarbar

killing it not.

this remix is pretty good.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

i need a date for the dance.

THERE SHE IS. but with a new auto instead of a manual..

Saturday, August 8, 2009


lets seeeee. so i have realized chris should probably not step into a casino if he wants to save himself like a few thousand dollars.
lets see just chilled alot today, and thought it was pretty funny when i was like. eh puneet when the f you gonna go ask your parents for a car. then he responded by saying o yea im picking it up at four. LOL

MINI cooper. well at least we all know puneets not compensating for the TINY penis he possesses.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

a post

chris said i dont update that often and i dont.

lets see. i tre flipped my kicker today. damn nn

lets see. i got in my pool table and casino machines today.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

can i interest you

in a video of billy marks wearing the same damn clothes every battle?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

progression not

after i decided to film all the flatground tricks i can do i realized since february ive learned so many new tricks.



Saturday, July 18, 2009


idk this just feels like a good summer song

Sunday, July 12, 2009

found it

chris was looking for this song at jays and i found it so just posting it for times sake.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

explosions in the sky

happy fourth. Tonight was a good gooood night , i had that feeling.

a few things i Learned about bottle rockets.
holding them from your hand and launching them = bad ass
lighting them in your hand then throwing it in the air = bad idea and chances of it shooting right at your friends and exploding
be aware of duds that explode as soon as you light it and scare the fuck out of you.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

touch it

Hey i got a new phone, after having four chocolate 2's in a timespand of two years i have to live with the ENV touch now.

its actually a pretty good phone. compared to the other touch screens out there for verizon its pretty responsive, but the iphone is the best. still its better than all the other touch phones out there besides that. the internet is pretty fast as well, and its got some nice features. heck nicola was so excited he took off his pants and did a little dance.

Monday, June 15, 2009

first monday of the summer

hey its the new summer- and well summers all about just relaxing and not doin shit, because -
- theres not enough shit to do to fill up the 101 days of summer vacation, too bad its not like phineas and ferb.
-it costs hella too much to be going out and buying shit on a constant basis.
-you just gotta be chill like that.

so i got in n out again yesterday and realized that i dont like driving a big ass suburban around and almost hitting cars everywhere i go . Plus i ate it for the second time that day and it was still amazing. with the new whole grilled onions i get on that thing omg. its so good, o and if you keep the whole grilled onion with the chopped onion its delish.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

DISCOVERY - in then out

so i thought i knew some ways around in and out, but then i was playing poker a couple hours ago with my brothers friend brian who works there, and became fascinated with the most ways to custom order your shit.

i found out this tastes the best

cheeseburger or double double
- animal style
- whole grilled onion instead (can also get both chopped and whole grilled onions)
- toasted bun
- also found out you can get chopped peppers, extra lettuce pickles tomatoes, mustard and ketchup instead, extra sauce, protein way,and i also found out what animal style on your burger is i think its they put mustard on the patty then they grill it with the mustard on so it cooks onto the burger and they grill the onions and add pickles.

- slightly done
- spread on the side

Sunday, May 31, 2009


i found a few good songs that yall might like.

This first one called Fools by the Dodos is amazing.its used in DVS's SKAte and Create

this ones pretty good "coast on by"

I also stumbled upon this band called Animal Collective, they seem to be pretty popular, i thought they were ok, but nothing great so you can give them a gander if you so desire.

this ones a little goody i found a couple days ago called Emiliana Torrini - Big Jumps

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

funniest thing

glad to be the first and, hopefully , not the only one to blog this yet.

literally the funniest thing you've laid eyes upon in a while.

I also found the best commercial ever made in a long time.

the dribbles kobe takes before anyone else shows up, makes it seem like hes practicing or seomthing. sooo good


shits dope

Saturday, May 16, 2009

whats up

Alex ro spotting

english hw is a bust. got a bunch of it.

lets see today i got on top of that last day to get one dollar boba. Idk why but it tasted really bad. i mean i got mango like 2 times before and it was good, it might have been the okazya before, but me philip and diane couldnt finish it cause it tasted bad.

After some ball in up in my backyard and other antics we went to wahoos.

i parked next to some legit cars as usual.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

all for nothing

damn i studied my ass off the last week and a half. i even spent 6 hours reading 450pgs of my art history text book yesterday. but like none of that stuff was on the ap test, i should have just memorized like 30 different specific examples instead of trying to remember everything in the book. Since for a five you basically need to use the examples that you know you are going to have to use for the essay questions, if you just prepped like 30 specific examples for different possible essay questions you would have been good to go with little studying time.

-- on a positive note , fucking ap art history is over!

also that song i sent to puneet "the bay to la" is fukcing dope check it on his blogger.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Broklyn we go HARD

looks like my supports running 1150+ STRONG !!!


O and comment if you think this would be a top selling t shirt.!

i for one think its siiick

Monday, May 4, 2009

We Run

A tribute to everything hustling.

a bunch of cell quality pics

last sunday - ferrari getting their grub on at the all exclusive taco bell.

Ball up balla

This is Ross. and no there is not a sub, and the teacher is indeed giving a lecture on something in bio. I usually spend sixth periods in this classroom when i get out early from basketball. Mrnelson is the easiest teacher alive.
We Run FU, or at least that guy in the blue shorts runs the lake.

urban meaning

1. siiick 2 thumbs up love it hate it

used after anything you think is really cool. emphasis on the REALLy part this is extremely sick and pitted.
Man that movie was fucking siiick bruh.
siiick cool pitted tight epic
by www.youtube.com/inmaserati.com May 3, 2009 share this

what you get when yousearch "Siiick" into urban dictionary .com

Saturday, May 2, 2009



well my 2 year contract is ending so i can finally get rid of my chocolate 2 . but was lookign online and all the new phones are not much better. two years of technology they should have like some laser beams and water dispenser on the phones by now. The "best" phones out there like the storm dare etc. all suck. idk all the new phones seem to have touch screens, but from the phones ive used all the touch screens are not very responsive, so i am thinking of staying away from one of those . probably going to opt for a Pager.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

brasco - Uh OHH

hahah. well um so my parents are mad at me for an overall fail in grades. and like they had to talk to me about w/e it is that comes up that every parent says. i had a decent day though before i got home

so i went to david's house after school and learned how to drive a stick shift. next stop heel toe shifting, and double clutching. gotta get that rev match on lock son

dan displaying the usual pros of his legend.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

call me?

loll some how yesterday someone called me and it worked. so now yes you can call me.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


so im hoping tuesday goes as planned, in my mind that means minimal work in class and almost no homework :) im going to go to sleep earlier than usual, so i hope i am not as tired as i was yesterday.

recapping what i did yesterday , pretty much nothing besides realize how much of a bore schoool is and how i make a better G beat Cd than puneet. here is my g beat playlist in no particular order


3:50 just got home from school. and like idk i guess with cst or something there is not much by way of hw. in math my teacher gave us a fucking algebra one review packet Lawl. thats work from three years ago. sooo simple. well though i should study a little bit each day though for ap art history if im going to take this last quarter of school seriously.

8 :30 pm
i just made a discovery asher roth is actually a legit rapper. lol

lark on my go kart - asher roth feat ty mcfly and blue buddaz

Monday, April 13, 2009


lets hit reverse

so it begins

yea today is school. and when i say today as in about 6 hours from now when i have to wake up and realize im too tired to stay up in class, and discover what homework i didnt do. shiiiet.

some pics i doodled with.